Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Well, it looks like creating art and delving into the world of comedy have started to fuse! The Potato Revolution comedy podcast I host with my mate Morgan (http://www.potatorevolution.com) has really started taking off. Of course it all started with us finding our feet, and getting better and better at it, but I'm really proud of where we're at these days. So what's this March 31st thing? Well, we finally decided to pull our fingers out and have a live show! After years and years of writing, rehearsing, talking about etc, we are actually doing it. I don't think I've been this excited since my 1st art exhibition. So if you're in Melbourne, come down for free comedy, limited edition Potato Revolution beers, and the debut performance of a very special Melbourne band. Also, I hope you enjoy my little poster I drew for it! Love to all!