Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day of the Triffids! Well, it's Halloween time in a few days, and I thought I'd pay homage to the classic horror novel/film "The day of the Triffids". Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Dude, you should make a comic about us!"

Comic I made for a mate. He asked me to draw a comic about us in space banging space chicks. I opted for this just to rattle him. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The big three zero!

Hello hello! Well... I turned 30 recently. It's made me realize how I need to get off my bum and be more creative. Comedy comedy comedy! Oh, have a comic I drew while at my day job :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Well, it's been some time.
I've been on a VERY long hiatus since I last posted, let alone did some art. I'm getting back into both, thank God.
I've been busy with another project of mine, being "Potato Revolution".
It's a comedy Podcast I do with my comedy partner, Morgan.
We talk about a lot of issues, and have guests.
DO NOT LISTEN if you are offended by swearing or adult themes.
For some reason there's a lot of it.